Scouting of low environmental impact polymers for packaging

Technological scouting

A company active in the production of packaging intends to experiment in a production line with new materials with a reduced impact compared to those currently in use, to be brought into production in the short term (maximum 1-2 years on the market)


Targets of the project

Target 1

Identify which materials correspond to the requirements indicated by the customer.

Target 2

Environmental impact assessment of each proposed technology.

Target 3

Finding of suppliers

The research has highlighted which polymeric materials with reduced environmental impact will become available on the market in the next few years, showing the strengths, weaknesses and level of development of each of them.

Each technological solution found was evaluated in terms of environmental impact, seeking the most up-to-date and reliable data that would allow us to determine if it was really more advantageous than conventional material.

The research was carried out primarily on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) studies. For each technological solution, multiple studies were analyzed, in order to obtain a complete description of every possible facet of the environmental impact, from production to end of life.

All the companies able to provide the technological solutions highlighted in the research have been identified. A collection of information on them, on the range of products they offer and their availability, both in quantity and over time, was completed.

  • Target 1

    Technological research

    The research has highlighted which polymeric materials with reduced environmental impact will become available on the market in the next few years, showing the strengths, weaknesses and level of development of each of them.

  • Target 2

    Impatto ambientale

    Each technological solution found was evaluated in terms of environmental impact, seeking the most up-to-date and reliable data that would allow us to determine if it was really more advantageous than conventional material.

    The research was carried out primarily on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) studies. For each technological solution, multiple studies were analyzed, in order to obtain a complete description of every possible facet of the environmental impact, from production to end of life.

  • Target 3

    Reperimento fornitori

    All the companies able to provide the technological solutions highlighted in the research have been identified. A collection of information on them, on the range of products they offer and their availability, both in quantity and over time, was completed.


The client company obtained the complete overview of all polymers with reduced environmental impact available in its field. Not only that: given that the suppliers were promptly identified, the contact phase with them was able to begin in the shortest possible time.
